Park Outreach is focused on turning our over stressed parks into
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ZONES by lifting people from homelessness to employment.
The organization relies on company sponsorship and individual donations. Corporate sponsorship ensures the constant flow of services and provides for growth into other areas. Our SILVER sponsors give at a level of $50 or more a month. Our GOLD sponsors donate at a level of $100.00 or more a month. Our PLATINUM sponsors donate at a level of $250.00 or more a month.
Park Outreach, Inc. is an organization exempt under IRC Section 501 ( c ) (3) and further determined to be a public charity. Donors can deduct contributions they make to Park Outreach under IRC Section 170. The organization is also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfer, or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522.
Park Outreach sponsors ARE TRULY HEROIC! They are the ENGINE of the organization. Our sponsors graciously provide their name, brand, money, time, and energy to motivate life changing results.
A recent article in Parks and Recreation magazine describes our park systems as “ground zero” for much of the drug activity in local communities. Drug abusers “are people who have lost their way and parks are where they find refuge. It can be the start of where we can help them to become as healthy as possible,” says Jared Bunde, a registered nurse with the Department of Health’s Homeless Outreach Team in San Francisco. While illicit drugs (particularly opiates) and alcohol abuse are highly complicated subjects to understand and address, the article concludes: “the clear message for the park system is to:
As our program is implemented the attendees will become potential employment candidates turning the park into an OPPORTUNITY ZONE for businesses!
* By Chris Dropinski, CPRE, Robby Layton, PhD, FASLA, CPRP, John Rainey, Greenplay Newsletter, Winter 2018
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